Saturday, August 23, 2014

Reflection/Labor Day Week(end) Schedule

Hello Friends,

It was our last yoga in the park class this morning. What a beautiful morning!

I decided to ride my bike to the park and I am so glad I did. I'm not typically a morning person and I can be slow-going in the morning, but I thought before I know it the season will be changing and it will be cold and rainy, so get your tush going and get out there. AHHH, what a gift! It was such  a gorgeous ride along Bear Creek with the fresh morning salty air and the warm sun on my body. Other bikers, joggers, walkers all saying "good morning" as we passed.

I showed up at the park with my fellow yogis and yoginis ready to practice. Shelley brought her iPad and played great music. There was a slight breeze with birds chirping and the sky was so blue. The time passed so quickly that I just wanted to bask in the glow of our practice a bit longer. The glow is still with me as I type this passage.

On the ride home, I felt so grateful and my heart was full. Getting out in nature really renews my spirit and clears my mind and allows for positive things to transpire throughout my day. I hope that you find time to get out do something that lifts you and creates balance within your day. You won't regret it.

As I approach my 8th year anniversary of the opening of The Chi Room, I'm reminded what a great community we have created within our practice and outside of our practice. I appreciate all of you who have come through the doors and all of you who have continued your practice with me. Thank you!

Please note the studio schedule for Labor Day Weekend:

August 25, Monday Classes (studio)
12:10p Lunch Hour Yoga
5:45p Power Vinyasa

NO CLASSES:  August 27 through September 1

Classes resume Wednesday, September 3
12:10p Lunch Hour Yoga
5:45p Power Vinyasa

See you on the mat and in life!
xo Tina