Tuesday, July 29, 2014

What? Almost August?!

Smiling Chi Room Yogis and Yoginis (2013)

It's hard to believe August is almost upon us. Where did June and July go? Seeing back to school stuff and fall decor out in the stores already, reminds me that time ticks to quickly; I have to stand still for a moment to make sure I am not missing out on anything important.

How about you? Are you having a  wonderful summer, doing fun things and being present in the moments of your life? I hope the answer is a big fat YES!

As the month of August sweeps by, I will be in and out of the studio throughout the month.  Below is my class line-up for August:

August 1 - 10  NO CLASSES
I will be visiting my sister in Idaho and taking some yoga training! ; P

Classes On-going August 11 through August 25th: 
Monday/Wednesday (Studio)
12:10p Lunch Hour Yoga
5:45p Power Vinyasa

Saturday (Bear Creek Park Amphitheater)
8:30a Power Vinyasa

August 27 - September 1 NO CLASSES Labor Day Weekend
This will be my last holiday before school starts and for the rest of the year! Yikes!

Note that some of the classes will be at the Bear Creek Park amphitheater, off of Highland Drive, Medford. I will be revisiting the schedule for September and adding more classes back in. I hope to be adding a whole new fitness class! Stay tuned!

In the meantime, I look forward to practicing yoga with you in the next month! I hope you find time to put yoga, or any form of exercise, at the top of your list of things to do for yourself. You are worth it!

Cheers to you and your breathing space!
Tina xo

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Schedule Change

Hi Yoga Friends,

Due to low participation, I've decided to cancel both Saturday yoga classes at the studio beginning Saturday, August 2, 2014.

However, I will continue to teach the 8:30 a.m. class at Bear Creek Park for the month of August. All are welcome to participate. Regular class prices will apply.

I will revisit the schedule in September and will add Saturday classes back in if there is enough interest.
I'm also taking a look at cancelling the lunch hour classes, too, as attendance is also low. Please check back for updates.

It's hard to believe that September will be 8 years since I started The Chi Room. My deepest gratitude goes out to all who have supported me through these past 8 years. Your friendship, patronage, and love have always lifted me up to continue with my passion.

Thank you!

AUGUST YOGA SCHEDULE (effective August 2, 2014):

12:10 Lunch Hour Yoga (studio)
5:45p Power Vinyasa (studio)

8:30a Power Vinyasa (Bear Creek Park)