Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Practice to Change: New Year's Resolution

Happy Winter to Spring! I know it's a little early to say "spring" but have we really had a winter here in Southern Oregon? I'm a winter sports kinda gal and have been a bit disappointed that we had almost a repeat of last year with low levels of snow.  Hopefully, in the next month we may get a little more to really enjoy skiing, snowshoeing or the like.

As a new year has begun and a new season is approaching, have you reassessed things in your life that you may want to revamp or change or just DO?  I know a lot of people say they don't make New Year's Resolutions, but secretly in their mind, I think they do. Are you one of those people? I used to be, but this year I said my resolutions out loud (to people) and have created a plan to follow-through with my resolutions. Number One:  be more organized.  Number Two:  run daily (setting my bar high)! But then there is this little thing (okay a big thing) called "follow-through."

Ah, follow-through, that's a tough one. I'm guilty of starting projects and not finishing them. Am I afraid that it won't turn out? That I'll be disappointed with the outcome? That the act of finishing something makes me feel sorta sad in a way? Well, something has to change because the way I currently do things in that I just don't finish them, isn't going to do anymore.

What is that saying? Oh yes, "if nothing changes, nothing changes." The definition of insanity.

The problem is I know this. I'm smart, I can think ahead, I'm capable….but….I'm not motivated. That's it! Deadlines are my friends when it comes to getting things done. When I know my mom is coming to visit months in advance, you bet I'm cleaning and organizing the guest room the day before she comes. I mean I only had months to do it, but hey the day before sounds just as good, right? NOPE! This behaviour creates stress, and undo stress as in coming undone.

So, I've created a deadline system for myself.  First, I realized I needed external help or support, if you will. So I joined a home organizational 14-challenge group through A Bowl Full of Lemons. Every week we are given a task to work on in an area/project of our home. We have one week to get it done and we can post before and after photos along the way…for moral support. Sounds great, right!?  Well, ahem, I've only completed one week (my pantry) out of the 5 weeks of the challenge.

Now, I'm thinking: "what is wrong with me?" I think I'm just too lazy to get started, but once I've started, watch out,  I don't stop until it's done. See my pantry below? I even painted it! That wasn't on the organizational list for the pantry-week. I loved my pantry so much I would open the doors and just stare at how great it looked. I even gave my boys the tutorial on how to keep it organized and the consequences if they didn't. <GRIN>

What I have found is that I'm a perfectionist. I didn't have to paint my pantry but I wanted something different. That's it, perfection. I have to have it perfect or I feel disappointed. Do you ever feel that way? I've created this cycle of starting but not finishing things because it may not be perfect. But then I realized it's a practice. Change happens when you repeatedly change your behavior. It doesn't happen overnight like we want it to. It's a practice.

This is where yoga comes into my life. It's a practice. We don't DO yoga, we PRACTICE yoga. And with our practice, comes acceptance, kindness, revelations, love, healing and ultimately... peace. Sigh, peace. That's really what I want in the end - that finished project will equal peace to my creative soul.  When I think of all of my unfinished projects, I have to remind myself that in this process of change I need to be kind to myself, accept myself, reveal myself, love myself, and the healing part will be that I actually finish what I start, creating harmony and peace.

Whew, that is therapeutic for me to write about. It can be hard to reveal parts of yourself that nobody really sees (except my husband). But you never know who is going through similar struggles or challenges and this concept of practice really applies to all areas of our life. As we strive to better ourselves, we need to be reminded that hey, we aren't alone and yes, we'll get there. Just keep going and moving forward, getting it done and moving on to the next great thing!

So with that I leave you with Number Two of my New Year's Resolution: Running Daily.  I joined a challenge at my gym in January and I ran 1-mile every day for that month! That was a big one because I dislike running. There were days that I wasn't "feeling it" but I did it anyway and I was never disappointed and I felt "perfect" for doing it!  I'm going to continue to run 4 days a week at least 1-mile through 2015!

Onward and upward to my practice of change and follow-through! Cheers!

Love and blessings to you,

Winter/Spring 2015 CLASS SCHEDULE:

12:10p Lunch Hour Yoga at Women's Fitness Company
5:45p Power Vinyasa  - Firehouse Dance Hall Studio

8:00a Yoga Flow - Women's Fitness Company

8:30a Power Vinyasa - Firehouse Dance Hall Studio

For more info. contact Tina Tonkin at 541-261-0135

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